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  • Educate children and adults about water safety.
  • Have your kids pledge for water safety this year.
  • Never leave a child unattended near water in a pool, tub, bucket, or ocean. There is no substitute for adult supervision.
  • The home should be isolated from the pool with a fence at least 60” tall, with a self-closing, self-latching gate. The gate should open away from the pool, and should never be propped open.
  • Drug and alcohol use can be large contributing variables to drowning risk.
  • Doors and windows should be alarmed to alert adults when opened. Doors should be self-closing and self-latching.
  • Power-operated pool safety covers are the most convenient and efficient. Solar/floating pool covers are not safety devices.
  • Keep your water clean and clear, so you can easily see the pool floor.
  • Keep large toys away from the pool, so you can easily see kids playing.
  • If a child is missing, always check the pool first. Seconds count!
  • Take a CPR class.
  • Sign your children up for local swim lessons. Here are a few local companies that offer these services:

When it comes to keeping kids safe, there is no substitute for adult supervision. But no parent can be everywhere, every minute! BABY-LOC removable mesh pool fence is a convenient, cost-effective additional layer of protection to help deter toddlers from gaining access to a swimming pool. BABY-LOC is also the perfect choice for a raised deck or dock. Ask us about Loop Loc’s BABY-LOC removable fence!


Whether you’re hosting a gathering at your home or have a family with children who love to swim, taking water safety precautions is most important! Ask us today about safety fencing, winter safety covers, automatic covers and alarm systems.